Ryōan-ji (for John Cage) I-VIII, 2017

Ryōan-ji (for John Cage) VII, 2017

music in thirteen parts; what fierce brightness, I-IV, 2017

music in thirteen parts, 2017

a word, I-IV, 2018; you must change your life, 2017

you must change your life (detail), 2017

#835, 2015

#835, 2015

#835, 2015

what's left (for Matthew), 2016

Lettres de Londres: Sur l'Optique de Mr Newton, 2015

a new ground I & III, 2015

a new ground I & III, 2015

a new ground, III, 2015

case study #1; a new ground I & III, 2015

case study #1, 2015

still beside you, with her empty hands, I-VI, 2017; in time, I, 2017

in time, I, 2017

in time, I (detail), 2017

five winter songs, I, 2016

epyllion, 2013

the first day and the first hour, 2013