Sackler landing, installation view2015
Attributed to Timotheus, Female torso (possibly Europa), c.375–350 bc Marble; Unused elephant folio album with blank pages, c19th Leather and paper
Royal Academy of Arts, London
26 September 2015 - 3 January 2016
This unique project at the RA Library and Print Room saw Edmund de Waal explore the colour white and the impact that white objects have on their surroundings, through an interweaving of words and books with sculpture, paintings and photographs.

Print room, upper level, installation view2015
Attributed to Pierre Reymond, Painted enamel of the Visitation, Limoges, France, late c16th Private collection, London; Giorgio Morandi, Natura Morta,1929, Etching on paper, Private collection, Scotland; Horatio Ross, Fir trees on the banks of Dornoch Firth between Ardgay and Fearn, c.1850–60, Waxed paper negative, Hans P. Kraus Jr, New York; Cy Twombly, Untitled, conceived 1953, executed 1989, Painted bronze, edition of 8 cast in 1989, Private collection; St Peter walking on the water, Rome(?), c4th–5th AD, Marble, Private collection, London
Royal Academy of Arts, London
26 September 2015 - 3 January 2016
This unique project at the RA Library and Print Room saw Edmund de Waal explore the colour white and the impact that white objects have on their surroundings, through an interweaving of words and books with sculpture, paintings and photographs.

Print room, lower level, installation view2015
Edmund de Waal, a mind of winter, 14 porcelain vessels in a wood and plexiglass vitrine; After Francesco Laurana (1452–1502), Bust of a woman, possibly Ippolita Maria Sforza Plaster cast manufactured by Brucciani & Co, London, c19th After original of c.1473, formerly in the Berlin State Museum, destroyed 1945
Royal Academy of Arts, London
26 September 2015 - 3 January 2016
This unique project at the RA Library and Print Room saw Edmund de Waal explore the colour white and the impact that white objects have on their surroundings, through an interweaving of words and books with sculpture, paintings and photographs.

a mind of winter2015
14 porcelain vessels in a wood and plexiglass vitrine
90 × 50 × 15 cm
Royal Academy of Arts, London
26 September 2015 - 3 January 2016
This unique project at the RA Library and Print Room saw Edmund de Waal explore the colour white and the impact that white objects have on their surroundings, through an interweaving of words and books with sculpture, paintings and photographs.

Library, installation view2015
Edmund de Waal, reminding, trying to remind, 2015, 17 porcelain vessels and 3 plaster blocks in an aluminium and plexiglass vitrine; Stone corbel head of a saint,Bourges region, France, c.1330 Private collection, London
Royal Academy of Arts, London
26 September 2015 - 3 January 2016
This unique project at the RA Library and Print Room saw Edmund de Waal explore the colour white and the impact that white objects have on their surroundings, through an interweaving of words and books with sculpture, paintings and photographs.

reminding, try to remind2015
17 porcelain vessels and 3 plaster, blocks in a pair of aluminium and plexiglass vitrines
Royal Academy of Arts, London
26 September 2015 - 3 January 2016
This unique project at the RA Library and Print Room saw Edmund de Waal explore the colour white and the impact that white objects have on their surroundings, through an interweaving of words and books with sculpture, paintings and photographs.

Library, installation view2015
Royal Academy of Arts, London
26 September 2015 - 3 January 2016
This unique project at the RA Library and Print Room saw Edmund de Waal explore the colour white and the impact that white objects have on their surroundings, through an interweaving of words and books with sculpture, paintings and photographs.

Library, installation view2015
Kazimir Malevich, Flying Cross Motif, 1919–20, Private collection; Kazimir Malevich, Suprematist Teapot, Texas-produced contemporary replica of 1923 original Russian Imperial Lomonosov Porcelain Factory, collection of Edmund de Waal
Royal Academy of Arts, London
26 September 2015 - 3 January 2016
This unique project at the RA Library and Print Room saw Edmund de Waal explore the colour white and the impact that white objects have on their surroundings, through an interweaving of words and books with sculpture, paintings and photographs.

Library, installation view2015
Anthropomorphic stele, South Arabia, c1st BC–c1st AD, Calcite alabaster. Private collection, London; Edmund de Waal, in Berggasse, 2015, 14 porcelain vessels in a pair of aluminium and plexiglass vitrines
Royal Academy of Arts, London
26 September 2015 - 3 January 2016
This unique project at the RA Library and Print Room saw Edmund de Waal explore the colour white and the impact that white objects have on their surroundings, through an interweaving of words and books with sculpture, paintings and photographs.

Library, installation view2015
Life mask of Thomas Banks RA, c.1790, Plaster, RA Collections; Garry Fabian Miller, It’s Open Clear Light, 2014-15, Light, water, Lambda C-print from dye destruction print on panel; Sir Denys Lasdunra, Models in Dialogue, The National Theatre, South Bank, London,1991; Photograph with pen with black ink and white correction fluid added
Royal Academy of Arts, London
26 September 2015 - 3 January 2016
This unique project at the RA Library and Print Room saw Edmund de Waal explore the colour white and the impact that white objects have on their surroundings, through an interweaving of words and books with sculpture, paintings and photographs.

Library, installation view2015
Ai Wei wei, Lantern, 2014
Royal Academy of Arts, London
26 September 2015 - 3 January 2016
This unique project at the RA Library and Print Room saw Edmund de Waal explore the colour white and the impact that white objects have on their surroundings, through an interweaving of words and books with sculpture, paintings and photographs.

Library, installation view2015
Royal Academy of Arts, London
26 September 2015 - 3 January 2016
This unique project at the RA Library and Print Room saw Edmund de Waal explore the colour white and the impact that white objects have on their surroundings, through an interweaving of words and books with sculpture, paintings and photographs.

Library, installation view2015
Royal Academy of Arts, London
26 September 2015 - 3 January 2016
This unique project at the RA Library and Print Room saw Edmund de Waal explore the colour white and the impact that white objects have on their surroundings, through an interweaving of words and books with sculpture, paintings and photographs.